drives us
For CAT Tocache, cocoa production is a vehicle for promoting the development of our communities and proctecting the nature that surrounds us.
We take care of our people
Fair trade
By being a Cooperative, we can guarantee a good price that fairly compensates the associated producers.
Internal democracy
Through a system of internal democracy consisting of assemblies, councils, committees and delegates, we ensure that our decisions are guided by the voice of all associates.
Fair labor
In order to guarantee community harmony, work on our farms will always be done in dignifying conditions and with fair remuneration.
No to child labor
Child labor is not allowed in our cocoa production, unless it is in the framework of family farming in order to transmit traditional ways of life.
Thanks to my Cooperative that supports me in the management of my farm, through training, good prices, and the reintegro payment, I have been able to increase my income for the welfare of my family.
Dávila Family Associate Farmer
Thanks to the personalized technical assistance to the plot, the fair price I am paid for my cocoa beans and the immediate transportation of my beans, I have been able to increase my income and improve the conditions of my household.
Quiroz Ponce FamilyAssociate Farmer
We care for the environment
We promote reforestation programs to protect the soil and water sources and to repopulate the forests.
Carbon neutral
We take multiple measures to reduce and offset the carbon footprint of our cocoa production.
No agrochemicals
We do not allow the use of agrochemicals such as PAP on our plots.
Sin quemas
No utilizamos quemas para limpiar el terreno ya que liberan mucho carbono y pueden provocar invendios forestales
No burning
We do not use burning for land clearing as it releases a lot of carbon and can cause forest fires.
Water protection
We take care of the water sources of our plots and the community to maintain a constant and optimal water supply.
Sustainable practices
We implement all kinds of sustainable innovations such as living barriers, buffer strips or the use of vegetation cover.
We make innovation
Bottom-up Traceability
Our producers record all of their organic farm activities in an information system to ensure that strict certification standards are met.
Internal Traceability
CAT Tocache personnel records all events from reception to dispatch to the central warehouse to guarantee the quality and origin of the lots.
Downstream Traceability
Tracking the movement of batches from dispatch, through shipment and on to the customer.
Blockchain 4.0
All traceability information from farm to shipment is certified by Blockchain 4.0 technology and is available to our customers to guarantee the origin and quality of their products to the final consumer.
We invest in
Establishment of strategic locations to improve the quality of life of producers and ensure the best cocoa.
Collection Centers
The collection centers receive, store and classify the cocoa production of several small producers in different communities of San Martin.
CAT Tocache creates and maintains collective meeting spaces for the development of our cooperative’s internal democracy and for community and cultural activities.
Cocoa Infrastructure
By pooling our resources, each small farmer has access to modern infrastructure that he or she would not have access to individually, raising the value and quality of the final product.
Technical Support
Demonstration Plots
We create demonstration growing areas for producers to observe the results of new technologies and agroecological practices that improve the yield, quality and sustainability of our cocoa.
Post-Harvest Module
These are experimental systems where farmers, technicians and engineers come together to evaluate and demonstrate new ways of storing, fermenting and handling grain at the post-harvest stage.
We provide financial support
Revolving Credit Fund
It is a mutual-solidarity fund where members benefit from small amounts to implement productive improvements or for personal investments in housing, education, health and others.
Solar Panels
CAT Tocache offers favorable financing for producers to install solar energy panels to obtain a clean and more reliable source of electricity.